Friday, November 22, 2013


How come the best part of a road trip is always getting home?  It's not that we didn't have a wonderful time in New Mexico, we did.  It is just that I always like the getting home part the best.

We did have a great time meeting up with friends new and old at the quilt show.  I have this wonderful photo that Betty Busby took to prove just what a fine time we had...FINE!


This is Betty and me strutting our stuff...yes, we still have stuff.  I MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN READY FOR THE RED CARPET, BUT I COULD SURE KNOCK THEM DEAD AT THE SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER.

All kidding aside, it was a very good show.  The theme was A COLOR RUNS THROUGH IT, and every quilt was done in black and white with one other color.  The show was well hung and the company was terrific.  It was wonderful to see other artists we knew and to make new friends with those we didn't.  This was a New Mexico Saqa show and those SAQA girls are friendly.

There is a special saying...


Well that road to New Mexico was very long, but every mile we traveled was worth it.
 New Mexico SAQA...hats off to you and we will return to twerk again.




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